Mara li tgħix fi New South Wales kitbet dak li temmen li huma kwalitajiet li jagħmluk Malti jew Maltija. Dawn kitbithom fuq paġna li fiha l-komunità Maltija fl-Awstralja taqsam il-ħsibijiet.
Ħafna minn dawn huma esperjenzi Awstraljani li forsi ħafna Maltin li qatt ma marru l-Awstralja ma jifmhux mill-ewwel. Madanakollu joħorġu ħafna elementi Maltin li jġiegħluk titbissem. Għalkemm forsi jkun hemm min ikemmex xuftejh għax wara kollox, jista’ jkun hemm element ta’ razziżmu. Bħal kollox fil-ħajja, skont kif tħares lejha!
Ara x’taħseb.
* There’s at least one carpenter in your family
* Your mum’s name is Mary, Carmen, or Doris
* Your dad’s name is Joe, Manuel, Leli, Charlie, Fred, Ninu, Carmnu, Jesmond or Gretchu
* Your mum has OCD related to cleaning
* You have more than one fridge in your house
* Your parents always try to bargain at furniture and electrical stores to the point of embarrassment
* You knew someone who played in the Maltese band
* Your dad worked as a roadie or labourer in a factory
* Your mum insists that you eat brodu and minestra
* Your surname is Camilleri, Mercia, Spiteri, Borg, Gauci, Sultana, Zerafa, Grech, Azzopardi, Muscat, Vella, Mifsud, Xuereb, Sant, Zammit, Buhagiar, Cordina, Baiada, Galea, Farrugia, Schembri, Micallef, Attard, Grima, Sciberras, Portelli, Tonna, Scerri, Ellul, Cassar, Formosa or Buttigieg
* When you hear your dad say the word ‘Madonna’, you know he’s not talking about the singer
* For Easter you get Figolli instead of easter eggs
* You eat pastizzi for dessert
* Neither of your parents can pronounce “th” (tink about it… ‘tank you’ ‘toot paste’ ‘tree’ ‘Tursday’)
* Your mum used to (or still does) shop at Franklins
* When your Aussie friends ring, they ask you if your parents are fighting, when they’re just talking in the background
* You open your mum’s fridge and she has a two-litre container of…TOMATO PASTE
* Your family swears more than any other nationality in the world BUT are still very religious… AAREEMMM TA’, DIMONJU!
* As birthdays and Christmas approach, your mum looks to her cupboard of ‘imbarazz’ for gifts, rather than going out to the shops to buy presents
* Your oldies think having a key card is evil and don’t even mention credit cards, ‘ha’lusstia!’
* Your family cars have always been Holden Commodores…with chasers…and dress rings
* You live in Greystanes, Pendle Hill, Wentworthville, Merrylands, Schofields, Llandilo or Berkshire Park
* Your family has even thought about moving to Horsely Park, Erskine Park, Greystanes, Pendle Hill, Wentworthville, Merrylands, Schofields, Llandilo or Berkshire Park
* The only place you have family BBQs is at Prospect, Central Gardens or Nurragingy…everywhere else is “too much petrol aye”
* Every sentence ends in “aye”
* You got married at Horsley Park or Greystanes
* Your dad burns his rubbish…in summer
* Any bird, rabbit, fox, stray dog or any pest animal for that matter dies mysteriously after landing on your property
* Someone in your family drives a diesel because “de diesel lasts longer tah!”
* You or your friend grew up on a farm (pig or chicken) or a market garden
* Your dad plants vegetables on every available piece of land including the front yard
* All your aunties mysteriously have the same hair colour
* Your grandparents start the sentence in English and finish it in Maltese
* You go for the Parramatta Eels!
* Somebody says “Hello” to you and you say “Alright?” instead of how are you
* You can always invite someone for dinner knowing your mother cooks enough for an army. “Tajjeb tah!”
* You eat brodu or minestra, you ditch the spoon for ħobż! (bread) L-aħjar tah!
* You over exaggerate on things!
* You park your car two kilometres down the road in the free spots and would rather walk than pay $2 for parking! Have to save da money tah!
* Someone in your family makes red wine.
* You have ricotta in the fridge that your nanna made
* You put plastic covers on your lounge!
* You pronounce your ing’s as ink’s
* You to say goodbye to someone and 20 minutes later the family is still talking to each other and you have only moved five steps (this happens mostly after church)
* You make honey rings even though they are mostly dates
* Your nanna and nannu say Christmas Father instead of Santa Claus!
* Your nanna and nannu pronounce dashboard as tashboard
* Your nanna says ‘bye’ six times before hanging up