Huwa ta’ pjaċir kbir li qed nerġa’ nżur lil Malta. Dan intqal mill-eks plejer u eks assistent kowċ ta’ Manchester United, Mike Phelan, f’intervista ma’ ONE News.
Phelan qal magħna li l-aħħar żjara li għamel f’pajjiżna kien fil-bidu tad-disgħinijiet, fejn żar fost l-oħrajn Għawdex u Kemmuna.
“Coming back is a pleasure, it is a real pleasure, it’s a real pleasure to be asked to come back. So far, down the line, 30+ years since that occurred. It’s a growing and beautiful place. Malta has grown and got bigger and got more modernised and everything. But my time in Malta is well remembered because of the hospitality that I got.”
L-Eks Assistent Kowċ ta’ Manchester United Mike Phelan
Ma’ Mike Phelan tkellimna wkoll dwar iż-żmien tiegħu bħala plejer u anki assistant kowċ, fejn fost l-oħrajn kien taħt it-tmexxija ta’ Sir Alex Ferguson.
“It’s exceptional from the point of view that I played under him, that I coached for him and then obviously becoming the assistant manager with him. Three different journeys, three different paths. But it was all great to understand the workings of a football club, not just working with players, but working with staff and managing him, as well, was quite interesting times. So, I was fortunate to be given the opportunity and I thoroughly enjoyed it.”
L-Eks Assistent Kowċ ta’ Manchester United Mike Phelan
Tkellimna wkoll mal-eks plejer ta’ Manchester United David May, li fost l-oħrajn kien parti mit-tim li rebaħ it-treble mar-Red Devils fl-1999.
“We’re the first team to do it, so it’s an absolute pleasure and privilege. Playing for such a massive club, biggest club in the world. Yes, it is the best feeling ever, it is.”
L-Eks Plejer ta’ Manchester United David May
David May qalilna wkoll li din mhux l-ewwel żjara tiegħu f’pajjiżna.
“I think this is the fifth or sixth time. It still blows me away, beautiful place to come. It is my third time in the museum. It’s incredible.”
L-Eks Plejer ta’ Manchester United David May
Mike Phelan u David May jinsabu f’pajjiżna hekk kif inawguraw wirja dwar l-istorja tal-klabb Ingliż fil-klabb tas-sapporters ta’ Manchester United fl-Imsida. Dan f’għeluq il-ħamsa u sittin sena meta nfetaħ dan il-klabb tas-sapporters Maltin ta’ Manchester United, li huwa l-ewwel wieħed fid-dinja.