Fil-kurituri tal-Parlament Ewropew u fost l-Ewroparlamentari barranin hemm sentiment pożittiv dwar l-andament tax-xogħol f’Malta u anke dwar il-Budgets li ppreżenta Gvern Laburista fl-aħħar snin, fosthom dak għas-sena d-dieħla.
Dan jixhdu kumment li ta lil dan l-istazzjon Marc Angel, Membru tal-Parlament Ewropew, eks membru fil-Kamra tad-Deputati tal-Lussemburgu u membru fil-Kumitat Ewropew għax-Xogħol.
Huwa nnota l-miżuri soċjali li ġew imħabbra, fosthom żieda fil-pensjonijiet u l-estensjoni taċ-Childcare b’xejn.
“I was surprised how the employment is going down and down, but I was also very impressed by the amount of the budget which is going into social policies – the pensions which are raised every year, the free childcare – all these social policies which improve the lives, again me coming from Luxembourg I see a parallel that the money is well spent into social policies… So I think we all can learn from your example in Malta.”
Angel, li huwa wkoll attivist b’saħħtu fejn jidħlu d-drittijiet għall-persuni LGBTIQ+, qal li kull fejn imur dejjem juża lil Malta bħala eżempju ta’ mudell għal pajjiżi oħra f’dan il-qasam.
“I often use Malta as an example when I’m in other countries, being an activist. I say look Malta, look what they did and it’s all about political will and power. Malta is a wonderful example of how also the Government did it with civil society so you are the champions now in Europe on LGBTI rights.”
Marc Angel żied jgħid kif Malta qed tkun ta’ eżempju għal pajjiżi oħra anki fejn tidħol l-ugwaljanza u l-qasam soċjali.