L-isem Freddie Mercury ma jista’ qatt jitlaq mill-vokablarju dinji, speċjalment fis-sena fejn il-film Bohemian Rhapsody iddomina l-Oscars fosthom bil-premju tal-aqwa attur.
F’Malta t-tislima lil Mercury qed tingħata minn grupp ta’ atturi lokali, li mal-kumpanija FM Theatre bħalissa qed itellgħu il-musical popolari We Will Rock You.
Din qed tittella’ f’Dar il-Mediterran għall-Konferenzi għall-ewwel darba fit-teatru Malti.
Kellna x-xorti niltaqgħu ma’ Katie Paine u Jordan Carr, żewġ atturi mill-West End ta’ Londra li jinsabu Malta apposta għall-prestazzjonijiet ta’ We Will Rock You.
Staqsejniehom għalfejn jaħsbu li dan il-musical, li ra d-debut tiegħu fl-2002 f’Londra, għadu sal-lum jattira l-eluf minn madwar id-dinja.
Huma qalu ma’ crew ta’ ONE News: “I think We Will Rock You is still one of the best musicals out there. The music speaks for itself but the script is very clever. It’s based in teh future and you have characters telling a story where music is band and you get to meet interesting characters to tell the story and it has a real resonance with technology. And it’s such a good feeling show, you cannot leave the show without enjoying it.”
Staqsejna wkoll x’differenza nnotaw fil-proċess biex jittella’ spettaklu hawn Malta.
Paine u Carr spjegaw: “The show does have certain Maltese references that I had to learn about. I now understand alot more about Malta and I am so excited. I am pretty sure the reaction from a Maltese audience would be the same as anywhere else in the world.”
“It’s actually not that different, you do your tech and dress but its much later in the day. In London we reherse in the day and we do alot of our stuff during the day.”
Qabel maż-żewġ atturi kellhom jittieħdu wara l-kwinti biex flimkien mal-bqija tal-kumpanija jippreparaw għall-ewwel prestazzjoni ta’ dan il-musical f’Malta, staqsejniehom kif iħossuhom kieku Freddie Mercury innifsu jkun fl-udjenza f’Malta.
“I think it would be intimading but yes, what artist doesn’t want to see their work portrayed in such a great way.
Yes I would and I have to say he is one of the artists that I would have loved to meet. If only I could have met him”, temmew jgħidu Paine u Carr.
L-aħħar prestazzjoni ta’ We Will Rock You se ssir f’Dar il-Mediterran għall-Konferenzi fl-20 ta’ Ottubru.