Skont l-artikolista Marie Louise McConville, li tikteb fl-Irish News u li tammetti li mhix l-aktar persuna li tħobb tivjaġġa fid-dinja, l-aktar ħaġa li kienet tispikka f’Malta kienet id-Dwejra. U dan qalithu għax m’għoġobha xejn iktar! Fi kliemha:
“…there is one trip which stands out as being mostly a bit of a thumbs down for me. (Sorry to anyone who may be offended). Now, I know many people will not agree with me on this but I didn’t really enjoy Malta. I can’t really tell you why. Basically, it just didn’t really click for me when Darren and I ventured there for a week in 2012. Despite the beautiful architecture and friendly people, I couldn’t wait to leave and I’m pretty confident I won’t be back.
That said, there is one particular part of the trip which stands out for me because it was simply breathtaking. While we got to take part in many planned trips and activities, it was our journey to the beautiful Azure Window which just hooked me.”
Qalet li t-Tieqa kienet waħda mill-isbaħ xeni li qatt rat. Tiftakarha bilwieqfa tassorbi x-xena, li ddeskrivietha bħala “maġika”
Fl-aħħar, dik li ħalfet li ma terġax tiġi Malta, qalet hekk: “I really am so saddened by this news and I feel disappointed for the many people who never got the chance to see this natural phenomenon up close. You missed a pretty brilliant sight”.