Erbgħa u għoxrin ġlieda, 23 minnom mirbuħin. Dan hu r-riżultat sal-lum għall-boxer professjonali Libjan Malik Zinad ta’ 31 sena, li ismu bħalissa qed jiddomina fix-xena internazzjonali, hekk kif jingħad li diġà jinsab fl-aqwa tal-karriera tiegħu.
Karriera li wkoll rat il-bidu tagħha proprju f’pajjiżna.
ONE News iltaqa’ ma Malik proprju fl-ewwel gym f’pajjiżna fejn beda jitħarreġ u ta l-ewwel daqqiet ta’ ponn tiegħu. Bdejna nistaqsu kif u meta spiċċa f’pajjiżna.
“So when I came to Malta I was young age, like I was 19 years old because Malta was close to my country Libya, it was like 1 hour flight, so I take the visa and my father told me that I have to go out, because in Libya you don’t have like boxing and stuff like that, so Malta they have like this and I start here in Malta.”
Malik Zinad, Boxer Internazzjonali
Hu kompla jgħidilna min kienu l-ewwel persuni li ltaqa’ magħhom f’pajjiżna, inkluż l-ewwel trainer tiegħu, il-Malti Michael Brown.
“I met one guy, his name Clayton Vella, he bring me to Brown’s gym. Brown was my first trainer here in Malta, I wanna be something top that the plan was, then I was keep working keep training with Brown. Brown look after me when I was young, I stayed with him in his house.
Brown qalilna li l-fatt li missier Malik kien boxer u li qabel ġew Malta kien joqgħod iħarrġu fid-dar tagħhom stess għenet ħafna.
“Beda jittrenja u hekk u Clayton Vella (boxer ieħor) kellu problema fi spalltu u ma setax jiġġieled u daħħalt mill-ewwel lil Malik Zinad. Iġġieled ma’ Richard Vella kien għat-titlu ta’ Malta u kien rebaħ Malik. Kien tajjeb hu, kien tajjeb, daqqiet kbar kien jidher u kien jidher li se jasal fl-ogħla livell.”
Michael Brown, Trainer
Tkellimna wkoll ma’ Eddie Hernandez, fost dawk li qed jieħdu ħsieb it-taħriġ ta’ Malik fil-preżent, flimkien ma’ Freddie Roach, li għandu esperjenza ta’ taħriġ ma’ diversi boxers ta’ suċċess, bħal Manny Pacquiao.
“He’s very good, he’s lengthy he’s long (you think he can be world champion?) of course, of course, anybody can be it, it’s good to him, he’s good very dedicated, he’s humble guy and he likes to work hard I like working with him so definetely”.
Eddie Hernandez, Trainer
Staqsejna lil Malik liema huma dawk is-suċċessi li kiseb s’issa u li jibqgħu marka f’moħħu.
“I mean I take many titles like WBA, I take the IBO, WBC, I take many titles you know I achieve many in boxing, I fight a world champion Bivol in 3 weeks notice, so I take the fight because it is a good opportunity for me as a first professional fighter even in my country.”
Malik Zinad, Boxer
Ma stanjiex ma nistaqsux lil Malik rigward il-futur tiegħu u fejn jixtieq jasal fid-dixxiplina tal-boxing.
“I’m top 10 in the world, so my goal now, my plan to be a world champion. You know that’s what I have in my mind now, I got everything, now I have plan to be world champion so I have to do it, I have to show people I’m gonna do it, I’m capable to do it, so I’m working hard now for this time and 100 percent I will make it a world champion and there’s a big news coming. I’m not gonna say it now but you will see it all, I will be world champion mark my word.”
Malik Zinad, Boxer
Fl-aħħar nett, Malik qalilna xi jfissru għalih Malta u l-poplu Malti fil-karriera brillanti li qed jagħmel.
“Malta was like one of the big things in my career in my life to be honest, Malta I always appreciate the people here, Malta is like my hometown now, I always love Malta, when I fight like my last fight was in Australia, like they came Maltese people to support me there. You know and I have them with me all time because I appreciate Malta is like the best for me.”
Malik Zinad, Boxer