Il-Ministru Konrad Mizzi fi stqarrija qal li l-istorja kkordinata li ppubblika f’The Malta Independent hija gibda faħxija. Qal li tirrappreżenta l-aħħar attentat minn Simon Busuttil biex jirbaħ l-elezzjoni permezz ta’ biża u twaddib ta’ gideb u tajn.
The co-ordinated story published by The Malta Independent is a blatant lie. It represents the latest attempt by Busuttil to win an election via the back-door of fear and smear.
The allegation of alleged kickbacks and the allegation that funds related to bribes were transferred into Hearnville Inc are blatant lies.
Minister Mizzi would like to make it clear once again that Hearnville Inc. never held a bank account in Dubai or elsewhere, from its inception to the day it was liquidated. Hence, the company never received any funds from any sources.