Keith huwa żeffien. Mit-Tnejn sas-Sibt jiddedika ruħu u ġismu għall-ħajja ta’ żeffien. Iżda Keith mhux minn dejjem kien jaspira li jsir żeffien.
Keith għamel tliet snin fl-Università ta’ Malta jistudja bil-għan li jsir avukat imma minflok il-Qorti sibnieh l-Università l-antika jiżfen b’passjoni liema bħala flimkien mal-għaxar kollegi tiegħu biex flimkien itellgħu spettaklu bl-isem ‘Żfin Days’ f’dan it-tmien il-ġimgħa.
Keith stqarr magħna li applika biex jagħmel parti mill-kumpanija Żfin Malta kważi kważi bħala iżda llum ilu għal dawn l-aħħar sitt snin Keith jaħdem bħala żeffien full-time.
“I had finished my first three years, I had my bachelors degree and round the same time auditions for the company were opening up so I auditioned mostly as a joke, not as a joke, but kind of expecting to not get anywhere because there are people who trained full-time, there are people who have been comingn from abroad, who have been training in other full-time companies and there was me who had just come out of law school so I didn’t expect anything but in the auditions things went well, and I was asked to come for the next session and the next session, the next session and then ‘Oh do you want the job?’, alright yeah.”
Warajh imxiet fuq il-passi tiegħu oħtu ż-żgħira u llum flimkien kellhom waħda mill-aħħar provi fejn evidentament kienet kemxejn differenti minn dik tas-soltu. Iż-żifna li tinvolvi flixken tal-ilma u lbies sportiv hija waħda enerġetika u astratta għall-aħħar.
“In this piece, if you get distracted by something, abottle is likely going to hit you or you’re going to crash into someone or you’re going to break these lovely lights. It was created by someone who has a PhD in Sports Science so the focus on it, what he wanted to do is to create the, to access this part of the brain where you’re acting more on reflex and actively thinking in the same way you’d see someone like an athlete who would catch a ball without thinking or things like. So, we’re throwing bottles at each other not just to terrorise us or to make us think, but so that you start training that as you’re doing something you’re also aware of who is throwing bottles to you, who you’re throwing bottles towards.”
Il-Koreografu Spanjol Jorge Crecis semma din iż-żifna, ‘Tnax’ u bħal Keith kien jistudja l-isport iżda jinħabb ma’ tfajla żeffiena u beda jinnamra wkoll maż-żfin.