Huwa wieħed mill-mexxejja dinji-Ewropew ambizzjuż bil-għan li jkunu ssalvagwardjati l-oċeani fid-dinja. Dawn kienu fost ir-reazzjonijiet pożittivi li saru minn persuni prominenti fosthom l-eks Segretarju tal-Istati Uniti John Kerry b’rabta mal-premju prestiġġjuż German Ocean Award li ngħata l-Kummissarju Ewropew għall-Ambjent, l-Affarijiet Marittimi u s-Sajd Karmenu Vella:
“As someone who has worked on the issue of the oceans for years and started OUR OCEANS conferences i’m really delighted that my friend Karmenu Vella has been award by the special award about the oceans- he has been particularly concerned about rebuilding the European fish stocks about managing European fisheries effectively he has been a leader in helping us globally to initiate the response we need that you can’t deal the change without preserving the ocean and protecting it.”
L-għan ewlieni wara dan l-unur huwa sabiex ikunu rikonoxxuti dawk l-individwi li jaħdmu qatigħ sabiex jiġu mħarsa u protetti l-ibħra u l-oċeani minn madwar id-dinja. l-Assistent Direttur Ġenerali tal-UNESCO Vladimir Ryabinin fisser lill-Kummissarju Vella bħala eroj tal-oċean:
“Under the leadership of Karmenu Vella the environment and marine also acquired not only stated to the leadership position and not only in Europe that is the day to day job but also around the world. For me, Mr. Vella is one of the world leaders in a common fight for saving the ocean. The prestigious German Ocean Award found yet another hero of the ocean.”
Il-Prinċep ta’ Monako- Prinċep Albert it-Tieni semma kif il-progress li wettaq Karmenu Vella ġab miegħu diversi proġetti ta’ ispirazzjoni u li fl-istess waqt sarfu f’riżultati ambizzjużi:
“European who inspires projects with ambitious goals and above all the determination to achieve them. The progress you have brought about or prompted is significant. This progress has enabled Europe to impose its values to one of the greatest challenges of this century when it justifies the prize being award to you today- the preservation of the seas.”