“Il-Gvern qabbad l-aqwa inġiniera fil-qasam biex ifasslu l-proposta tal-Metro f’Malta”.
Hekk stqarr il-perit u disinjatur Malti Jonathan Mizzi li stqarr kif il-kredibilità li l-inġiniera tal-kumpanija Arup għandhom fil-qasam jagħmlu l-proposta tal-Metro f’Malta ideali biex din toffri pjattaforma b’saħħitha biex fuqha ssir diskussjoni pubblika dwar sistema ta’ trasport tal-massa f’pajjiżna.
Qal, “I think it is a very well considered plan that the government has engaged Arup engineers who are the best engineers in infrastructure in the world so it is quite hard to question their authority and you know standing here at the exhibition, you can see that there has been 6 years of quite serious rigorous thought that’s gone into it.”
Lil Mizzi, perit rinomat anki barra minn Malta, tant li għandu uffiċċju f’Londra, staqsejnih jekk jaħsibx li f’pajjiżna jista’ jsir il-proġett tal-metro.
Stqarr kif il-fatt li l-Gvern qabbad lill-aqwa nies fis-settur biex ifassslu l-proposta li fuqha ser issir id-diskussjoni tawgura tajjeb biex il-proġett, li jkun hemm qbil fuqu, jitwettaq.
Spjega, “Of course why not? I mean, firstly you have engaged the best professionals to do it so as long as you are engaging competence, competent contractors to do the work.”
Mizzi nnota kif din tista’ tkun opportunità tajba biex jitnaqqsu l-karozzi f’pajjiżna u b’hekk l-artijiet li bħalissa jintużaw għall-parkeġġi jinbidlu fi spazji miftuħa.
Qal, “There are such great opportunities we have 400,000 cars on this island which is the equivalent of 42 million square metres of space because a car is 10 square metres, what do we do with that? Such a great opportunity to actually now reclaim our streets and you know green our streets, you know replacing our parking spaces with the trees, you take the car out of a car park you have a park.”