Matul din is-sena pajjiżna, permezz tal-Malta Enterprise approva l-akbar ammont ta’ investiment dirett barrani.
Dan tennieh il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela f’messaġġ f’konferenza tal-Ernst Young dwar il-kompettività: “While protecting our past success in increasing success rates we worked even harder to continue attracting direct investment. As a result, Malta Enterprise approved the highest amounts of local investment projects and foreign investment projects in history.”
Il-Prim Ministru kompla jispjega li fil-pandemija l-ekonomija ta’ pajjiżna kompliet tissaħħaħ.
Dan grazzi għal diversi pakketti t’assistenza mogħtija lin-negozji.
Il-Prim Ministru sostna: “In the second quarter the Maltese economy registered its hightst ever growth rate and the largest amount of absolute investment ever recorded. Malta was oneof the few economies to see its employment rate rise. Currently we have the lowest ever unemployment rate and lowest ever levels of poverty and social exclusion”