F’konferenza organizzata mill-Kamra għan-Negozji ż-Żgħar u Medji, il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela saħaq li l-Gvern qed jinvesti fil-ħaddiema ta’ pajjiżna. Meta kien qed iwieġeb għad-domandi tal-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Kamra għan-Negozji Żgħar u Medji, Abigail Mamo, il-Prim Ministru tkellem dwar kif il-Gvern qed ikun ta’ spalla għan-negozji u qal li din l-għajnuna qed issarraf f’riżultati fosthom fit-tnaqqis tal-qgħad.
“I disagree that we are currently spending. We are currently investing. Investing in our workforce, investing in our business community and I am more than convinced that this investment will yield great returns and just to name one of the many returns of the big returns which we are already experiencing as a result of the investment which we have made in our workforce and in our businesses is that we are one of the few countries in the world where unemployment is falling.” tenna Dr Abela.
Il-Prim Ministru tkellem ukoll dwar kif il-budget li se jitressaq għas-sena d-dieħla se jħares lejn is-sostennibilità tal-ekonomija Maltija. Qal li miżuri t’għajnuna bħal ħlas tal-pagi u oħrajn kienu lkoll miżuri li għenu mhux ftit lin-negozji u issa wasalna f’fażi fejn l-għajnuna tkun immirata lil dawk li jeħtieġilhom imbuttatura partikolari.
“We must also however make sure that assistance is targeted and condusive to the next phase of our next economic response in the particular phase we are in of COVID-19 keeping also in mind that this could take a bit longer than expected. The prospects are there, we have good prospects of getting a vaccine in the coming weeks, in the coming months rather than in the coming weeks, but one still has to pave the way in which measures are kept into place.” kompla jispjega Dr Abela.
Il-Prim Ministru tkellem ukoll dwar it-tisħiħ tas-saltna tad-dritt u l-governanza t-tajba u saħaq kif dan il-Gvern tassew jemmen li jwettaq riformi meħtieġa u mhux għax hemm xi istituzzjoni barranija isus fuq pajjiżna. Qal li fl-ewwel tmien xhur ta’ Gvern immexxi minnu, ingħataw sinjali ċari dwar dan.
Dr Abela spjega li “Restoring reputation and keeping a good level of governance is a fluid and ongoing process so there is no target or a deadline set, it is a fluid process where one has to keep adjusting to make constant changes to good governance matters but I believe we have created a solid base during these last eight months. It wasn’t an easy issue to tackle but I believe we have tackled it successfully.”
Il-Prim Ministru għalaq l-intervent tiegħu permezz ta’ ħsieb dwar il-viżjoni tiegħu għall-pajjiżna fejn ulied Malta jirċievu l-aqwa edukazzjoni u fejn l-ambjent u t-tkabbir ekonomiku jimxu id f’id. “A country where our industrial infrastructure will be state of the art and able to host the fourth industrial revolution, industry 4.0, a country where our students, our children, will have the highest level of education possible, where better environment and economic growth go hand in hand, where they are one and the same thing, a country where you will be proud to call Malta home.”