“I think for our organisation this really set a new standard of what’s possible even after all of this disruption. It also set a new standard of what is possible in nations around the world. We now look to the Republic of Malta and Special Olympics Malta as a driver for this inclusion movement. In new ways, they’ve always been a strong organistation but now, when they’ve brought 24 nations together, we can look to them now as innovators, as pioneers.”
Reazzjoni pożittiva ferm mill-President tal-iSpecial Olympics Europe, David Evangelista, ftit tal-ħin qabel ma l-esperjenza tal-kontiġent ta’ atleti minn 24 pajjiż f’Malta waslet fi tmiemha.
Bil-Logħob tal-iSpecial Olympics f’Malta, pajjiżna se jibqa’ mfakkar bħala mudell ta’ kif issir verament l-inklużjoni ta’ persuni li għandhom kapaċitajiet differenti.
Fil-fatt, Evangelista kellu kliem ta’ tifħir għal mod kif saret l-organizzazzjoni ta’ dawn il-logħob, iżda fuq kollox pajjiżna huwa pajunier li jagħti spazju lil kulħadd.
Qal, “In terms of the community, I think what’s most important to be recognised in these games is that people with intellectual disabilities can create magic. They can create magic not only for their families, for their neighborhoods, for their communities, but their nations and, dare I say, for the world.”