Il-ħdax ta’ Settembru tas-sena elfejn u waħda.
Id-disgħa neqsin kwart ta’ filgħodu.
Ajruplan tal-passiġġieri deher dieħel ġewwa t-torri tat-tramuntana tal-World Trade Centre.
Minn hawn bdiet sensiela ta’ attakki li wasslet għall-aktar ġurnata imdemmija fuq l-Istati Uniti mill-invażjoni Ġappuniża fuq il-gżira ta’ Pearl Harbour fit-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija.
B’rabta mad-dsatax-il anniversarju ta’ 9/11, ONE News tkellem maċ-Chargé D’Affaires Amerikana għal Malta Gwendolyn Green fejn qalet li din hija ġurnata sewda għall-Amerikani.
Hija qaltilna: “For me personally, 9/11 is a very significant day. Not only because 3,000 Americans and others perished within New York and Washington area but because a very close friend of mine died that day. She was a flight attendant on the second plane that hit the World Trade Centre.”
Viżibilment emozzjonata, Green spjegat li dan l-attakk terroristiku tqisu wkoll bħala traġedja personali minħabba li ħabibitha ħallset b’ħajjitha.
Hija kompliet tgħidilna: “Everytime I watch the images of the planes crashing and bursting into flames it’s not only a national tragedy but also a personal tragedy. My friend Catherine was my roommate before I was a diplomat. We lived together and we laughed together.”
Green li għandha snin twal ta’ esperjenza fid-Diplomazija u Politika Internazzjonali kompliet tispjega li din il-ġurnata biddlet l-atteġjament tal-komunità internazzjonali.
Hija sostniet: “So I think 9/11 was a real pivoting point for the world not just the US. It showed us how small the world has become and how we needed each other. We really demonstrated that in the days and years after 9/11. The fight against terrorism around the world and to really show our resolve as a world and not just an American country.”
Xahar biss wara li waslet f’Malta biex tibda bil-ħidma tagħha fi ħdan l-Ambaxxata Amerikana, Green tenniet li trid tkompli taħdem qatigħ sabiex ir-relazzjonijiet bejn Malta u l-Istati Uniti jkomplu jissaħħu.
Hija saħqet: “From a professional perspective is to continue our strong relationship our partnership we have with the Government of Malta. And to share the American experiences and to learn about Malta and see how to work together in the international community.”