L-eks plejer Franċiż ta’ Manchester United u Juventus, Patrice Evra faħħar lil Malta għas-sbuħija tagħha, fl-ewwel żjara tiegħu f’pajjiżna. Hawnhekk huwa semma fost oħrajn il-merbħa li ngħata mill-Maltin.
Evra, li fil-maġġoranza tal-karriera tiegħu lagħab mat-tim Ingliż ta’ Manchester United qal dan meta kien preżenti waqt konferenza fil-Mediterrane Film Festival, li saret fil-Palazz tal-Granmastru fil-Belt Valletta.
Qal, “It’s my first time ever in Malta and I really love it. As soon as I get out of the plane, the welcome, the people and I judge the city by the people.”
Evra rrakkonta kif hu ġie minn familja kbira u fqira, u kif irnexxielu jikseb suċċess, kemm fil-karriera tal-futbol u anki wara fuq il-midja soċjali, b’miljuni ta’ segwaċi jsegwuh. Hawnhekk huwa għadda messaġġ li din l-istorja ta’ suċċess ġiet hekk kif hu jiffokka fuq il-preżent.
Qal, “I think my best qualities: I live in the present; I never think in the past because you live with regret. I never think about the future, because you can live with anxiety and stress. The present. Right now, I am here having a conversion with you in front of these beautiful people. So, that’s I will say my best gift to always focus on the present.”
Huwa semma kif waqt sessjoni ta’ taħriġ mat-tfal ta’ Manchester United, huwa għadda l-messaġġ biex kulħadd ikun rispettat bl-istess mod.
Qal, “I’ll just say to the kids, you know when you come to this building. You got your clothes, say thank you because some kids don’t even have clothes, when the chef serves you the food, say thank you because the kids are starving. And I say the same way you respect the manager, your teammates, the owner, that’s the same way you have to respect the person cleaning the toilet or opening the door.”
F’din iż-żjara f’pajjiżna, Patrice Evra ltaqa’ mal-President ta’ Malta Myriam Spiteri Debono fil-Palazz ta’ Sant’Anton. F’din iż-żjara, hu ppreżenta żewġ flokkijiet iffirmati ta’ Manchester United għall-Fondazzjoni Malta Community Chest Fund.