Ikompli jisraq l-attenzjoni internazzjonali l-każ lampanti li bih Membri Ewro Parlamentari qed jagħmlu użu frodulenti minn fondi Ewropej.
Imiss lill-Eu Observer jirrapporta li hemm numru sostanzjali ta’ każijiet fejn mhux spjegat kif MEPs qed jużaw il-General Expenditure Allowance.
Flus li Membri Ewro-Parlamentari jingħataw biex jamministraw ufiċċji qrib in-nies. F’Malta, MEPs Nazzjonalisti qed jużaw dawn il-flus biex joperaw uffiċji mid-Dar Ċentrali tal-Partit Nazzjonalista.
L-EU Observer tgħid hekk:
In this unprecedented EU-wide collaborative effort, our journalists in every member state looked into the ways in which the 748 current MEPs (three seats are vacant) make use of the general expense payments received from the parliament. Our reporters requested information from all of the current 748 MEPs and analysed documents from the parliament, land registries and other sources. So far, just 133 answered what they pay in office rent, while only 53 said that they were willing to share documents on their public spending.
Jiġifieri hija biss kiwstjoni ta’ żmien, sakemm l-iskema mħaddma mid-Dar Ċentrali toħroġ bil-beraħ.