“Pajjiż sabiħ, poplu kariżmatiku u ikel bnin.”
Dan kien il-mod kif iddeskriviet lil pajjiżna, l-attriċi ta’ fama mondjali, Nell Tiger Free, li ħadet sehem fost l-oħrajn fis-serje Game of Thrones, li parti minnu saħansitra ġie ffilmjat f’pajjiżna.
Qalet, “It’s been a beautiful experience so far. I’d love to come as many times as I can and it was my first time in Malta. It is a small island, but it’s my tea. Everybody here is lovely, it’s such a warm and welcoming place and the people here are so sweet and the food is great.”
Hija tkellmet dwar is-sehem tagħha fis-serje tant famuż madwar id-dinja, meta kien għad kellha biss erbatax-il sena.
Qalet, “I got cast in Game of Thrones when I was 14, so I was a baby and I had not seen the show, and I still have not seen the show, but I should. My mum was a big fan, my sister was a big fan, my dad was a big fan of the show, and I did not really know what I was walking into.”
L-attriċi stqarret kif is-sehem tagħha f’dan is-serje, fetħilha diversi bibien fl-industrija.
Qalet, “I’m really lucky as that show opened a lot of doors for me. The whole cast was lovely, and it is a very fond memory of me.”
Meta staqsejniha dwar is-sehem tagħha fil-Mediterrane Film Festival, hija qalet li tħossha xxurjata li tagħmel parti minn din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni ta’ talent, li qed tittella’ f’pajjiżna.
Qalet, “I feel so lucky that I got to participate in this, it feels like a really special moment, and I’m so happy that I get to be a part of celebrating the amazing talent that comes from it.”
Żiedet tinnota l-importanza ta’ avvenimenti ta’ din ix-xorta, li jkomplu jinċentivaw, il-kreattività u l-arti.
Qalet, “I think it is such a beautiful thing to celebrate people’s art and talent. We need creativity, we need stories and art – it is what makes us people. I think it’s very important and I’m honored to be a part of it.”
L-attriċi għażlet titkellem ukoll, dwar diversi sfidi li taffaċċja fl-industrija tal-films, hekk kif hi trid tgħix ħajjitha, tistenna li tinqala’ xi biċċa xogħol. Minkejja dan, hija qalet li hija grata hekk kif xogħlha huwa għal qalbha ferm.
Qalet, “I’m lucky enough that people keep hiring me, which is kind of, all you can ask for. My whole life feels like I’m waiting all the time for something, and that is a pretty tough existence. I am not complaining, I love my job.”