L-Ambaxxatur Palestinjan għal Malta, Fadi Hanania, irringrazzja lill-awtoritajiet Maltin talli rdoppjaw l-għajnuna lir-refuġjati fil-Palestina.
Dan f’intervista li kellu ma’ ONE News, fejn qal li din l-għajnuna permezz ta’ mekkaniżmu tal-Ġnus Magħquda qed tgħin biex ikun hemm skejjel u jipprovdu saqaf fuq rashom.
“We really thank the Maltese Government and those who are helping the UN mechanism for helping refugees, by supporting the refugees by schools, hospitals, by providing shelter.”
F’din l-intervista, l-Ambaxxatur Hanania ddeskriva s-sitwazzjoni tat-terrur li hemm f’Gaza, bl-attakki kontinwi. Dan filwaqt li l-provvisti tal-ikel u tal-fuel kważi spiċċaw, b’dan qed iwassal biex l-isptarijiet ma jistgħux jagħtu l-għajnuna medika.
“The Gaza Strip have been under attack for the past 25 days. Unfortunately around 10,000 Palestinians have lost their lives by the Israeli strikes. More than 3,500 of them are children and civilians, including women and many other were injured. The situation in Gaza is very inhumane, there is no medicine, there is no food and unfortunately, there is no petrol or diesel to run the hospitals. This morning, two hospitals ran out of diesel and they cannot provide any medical services for the people.”
L-Ambaxxatur Palestinjan tenna li għad hemm bżonn ħafna għajnuna umanitarja f’Gaza u dan minkejja li matul il-jum tal-Erbgħa nfetħet il-fruntiera f’Rafah, bejn l-Eġittu u Gaza. Dan hu b’mod limitat hekk kif ingħata aċċess lil dawk midruba.
“We are expecting more from our friends, especially from the Government of Malta, as we have plead for more assistance to our families in Gaza.”
Tkellimna wkoll mal-Ambaxxatur Palestinjan dwar iż-żjara ta’ Roberta Metsola u Ursula von der Leyen f’Iżrael. Hawnhekk l-Ambaxxatur staqsa kif dawn marru hemmhekk minn jeddhom, mingħajr lanqas biss ikkunsidraw il-pożizzjoni tal-istati membri kollha u tal-Membri Parlamentari Ewropej, biex ħadu l-pożizzjoni ta’ Iżrael, b’din kienet ukoll ikkundannata minn bosta.
“Unfortunately they decided to take side of Israel, which is the occupier. They should have really asked before they went there from other European countries and even MEPs. We have heard from other countries including Malta and MEPs coming from Malta that they were against this visit. They defend Israel’s rights to defend itself. How can you justify an occupation to defend themselves against the people who are occupying us as victims? As people and their occupation, our protection is the hands of Israel. They are the one who should be protecting, not targeting us.”