Adrian Hillman irreaġixxa u qal li se jressaq ilment mal-Pulizija wara dak li qal Simon Busuttil f’konferenza tal-aħbarijiet organizzata ta’ malajr wara d-dibattitu fl-Università ta’ Malta.
Hillman ċaħad li qatt irċieva ħlas minn Schembri jew kumpaniji relatati mar-rwol tiegħu f’Allied Newspaper Ltd u Progress Press, jew xi tip ta’ xogħol fil-Gvern. Fakkar li dan is-suġġett ilu riċiklat fuq il-mezzi tax-xandir.
Stqarrija maħruġa minn Adrian Hillman
I categorically deny that I have every received any monies from Keith Schembri or any of his companies for any work related to my role at Allied Newspaper Ltd and Progress Press Ltd or for that matter any government work. The matter has been the subject of media speculation for over a year and which has always been refuted. This matter was also the subject of an Internal Inquiry appointed by the Allied Newspaper Board, which Inquiry has been settled since nothing illegal or of a criminal nature as alleged by Simon Busuttil was uncovered.
Any work I may have assumed during my time with the Times where never in conflict with my role as Director. Most of this work, it should be noted, was carried before 2013. All work that I have carried out, outside my role of Director have been duly invoiced and taxes paid thereon.
I will obviously be speaking to my lawyers and take all legal advice with a view of protecting my reputation from such malicious and unfounded allegations, including that of filing a complaint with the Police against Dr Busuttil for making false and calumnious allegations in my regard.