Din kienet fost l-aqwa laqgħat Ministerjali tal-OSCE. Qal dan ġurnalist Spanjol, minn kamra tal-aħbarijiet Spanjola, li qal kif minkejja li ilu snin jattendi għal dawn il-laqgħat, dik li saret f’pajjiżna kienet fost l-aqwa.
Tal-istess sentiment kien ġurnalist ieħor, din id-darba mill-Polonja, li stqarr kif il-loġistika ta’ din il-laqgħa kienet waħda tajba u professjonali.
“You, the Maltese have done, and the Chairman, has done a good job. I have been going to the OSCE for many years, and I can say that this was one of the best Ministerial Councils.”
“The logistics that I’ve seen have worked very smoothly, and it has been a great opportunity to see a lot of significant leaders, delegates and foreign ministers, as we’re here in the same room.”
Staqsejnihom ukoll dwar is-sinifikat ta’ din il-konferenza li ttelgħet f’pajjiżna, kif ukoll il-fatt li ntlaħaq qbil bejn il-57 membru ta’ din il-konferenza.
“The fact that Russia was here, the fact that Russia was a member of the OSCE that is part of the consensus when it comes to making decisions of the 57 member states of the OSCE and that is what makes this conference really interesting, because the likes of Russia and Belarus have to agree to what all the other delegations agree to.”
“For the very first time in many years, Russia has not been blocking the decisions. They managed to unblock the election for the four top jobs.”