It-tabib Jan Chircop uża Facebook biex jirrakkonta storja li ddeskriva bħala xokkanti u li ġrat lil familtu meta kien Tas-Sliema. L-istorja hija akkumpanjata minn ritratti u twissija.
Hawn hi kelma b’kelma:
Dear all,
Just wanted to share a shocking experience we’ve been through today, just to make sure people are aware of potential dangers surrounding us.
Today whilst eating out at The Point (Piazza – outside), my wife noticed a stranger randomly taking a photo of our son; it gets worse. At a point all other three adults at table with me get up (bathroom, tending to baby, and running off to car for something). I was the only one left at table, admittedly distracted. At that point the women accompanying the man (sitting in the piazza) who took the photo gets up, approaches my son and asks him for directions to the bathroom, and then to accompany her. (She should have asked a waitress or adult at least) Unfortunately he fell for it. Luckily as they were walking across, my wife walked out of the restaurant. She obviously stopped her and told her off. And the woman proceeded to the bathroom.
It so happened 2 mins later 2 police officers walked across the Piazza. As my wife approached them and explained what had just happened, the accompanying man went over to see what it was all about (had it been all innocent, he would have had no idea that it was anything to do with him). My wife confronted him about the photo, and policed asked to see his phone. It apparently contained photos of many other children. The police asked him to delete them. They went back to sitting down where they previously where and left after 10 mins.
PS. Police also contacted us for more details and we have forwarded photos I took of the people involved.
I might be wrong, but too many coincidences!
Moral of the story, we were lucky, warn your children, keep an eye out, never trust anyone (unfortunately)
Share and make aware!