Sigħat qabel l-ewwel logħba tal-Manchester United fil-Kampjonat Ingliż, il-ġurnalista sportiv ta’ ONE, Clinton Buhagiar, intervista lill-eks plejer tat-tim Ingliż, Wes Brown.
L-għada li ġġedded il-ftehim bejn l-Awtorità Maltija għat-Turiżmu u d-diriġenti tal-Manchester United biex Malta tkompli tkun id-destinazzjoni uffiċjali tal-klabb għall-ħames snin li ġejjin, Wes Brown kellu biss kliem ta’ tifħir dwar Malta.
“It’s brilliant, I mean Manchester United is one of the biggest football clubs in the world and obviously, doing this, we’ve visited Malta it’s fantastic, it’s a great place to go. I’ve been going since I was nineteen, I won’t say how old I am, but many years so it’s so good that the renewal’s come in and it is another five years partnership.”
Wes Brown
Fil-bidu ta’ staġun tal-futbol ġdid, Brown tkellem dwar dak li qed jistenna mit-tim li ilu parti minnu mill-1992, meta fl-età ta’ tnax-il sena, kien ingħaqad mal-akkademja tal-klabb.
“The players look fit, we have got some new players that probably haven’t played as much in pre-season, but I like the way that the manager has set them up and the way that we’ve played up until now. If we can get the first few games out of the way where we can get some points, we can see where we can go from there but I’m really excited for it.”
Wes Brown
Għal dan l-istaġun, Manchester United għandhom manager ġdid – Erik ten Hag. Mistoqsi dwaru, Brown qalilna li bħal kull manager ġdid ieħor, ħaqqu l-ħin biex isib saqajh, iżda għandu aspettattivi pożittivi għat-tmexxija tiegħu.
“I think as fans, we’ve got to give him that respect for time, like any new manager coming into any club, but like I said, we’ve been playing well at the moment and if we can maybe get a couple more players into the squad as well, I think that will help.”
Wes Brown
Fi tmiem l-intervista, li qed tixxandar kollha f’dan l-artiklu, Wes Brown tkellem ukoll dwar dak li qed jistenna mil-logħba tal-lum.