L-Ewropa hija dwar il-libertà, u dik tal-istampa hija l-aktar waħda sagra.
Hekk qalet il-President tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea Ursula von der Leyen meta fuq Twitter ikkundannat il-qtil tal-ġurnalist Giorgos Karaivaz ilbieraħ f’Ateni, il-Greċja.
Von der Leyen kompliet tgħid li l-ġurnalisti għandhom jitħallew jaħdmu b’mod sigur, u esprimiet tama li dawk responsabbli jaffaċċjaw il-ġustizzja ma jdumux.
Murdering a journalist is a despicable, cowardly act.
Europe stands for freedom. And freedom of press may be the most sacred of all. Journalists must be able to work safely.
My thoughts are with the family of George Karaivaz. I hope the criminals are soon brought to justice.
— Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) April 9, 2021