Fuq il-midja Irlandiża, Malta qed tissemma’ bħala l-isbaħ u l-aktar destinazzjoni sigura fl-Ewropa, li bil-mod qed tiftaħ il-fruntieri tagħha għall-ivvjaġġar.
Din id-darba kien l-espert tal-ivvjaġġar Eoghan Corry, li fuq il-programm Ireland AM tkellem dwar il-vjaġġ tiegħu lejn Malta l-ġimgħa l-oħra.
“Malta is quite a safe desintation, and very picky about who they let in. They let the Irish in last Wednesday, and they are still considering whether to let the British in. They have 0 cases for quite a while now and they are watching what happens when you open your borders.”
F’analiżi li ta fil-programm, Corry semma l-miżuri ta’ prekawzjoni li qed jittieħdu fl-ajruport.
Hawn kompla jemfasizza fuq il-miżuri ta’ sigurtà li bosta stabbilimenti lokali adottaw.
“Arriving in Malta, there are many temperature checks even in hotels. All staff members were masks and visors because they know Tourism is vital, but health is even more vital”.
L-espert tal-ivvjaġġar Irlandiż temm b’togħma żgħira ta’ x’qed toffri Malta lit-turist bħalissa.
“Let’s face it, if you’re gonna be safe from this virus out in the open air with the wind blowing through your air, cycling around Malta or on a boat plunging into the sea, that is going to be the safer end of us.”