Hekk spiċċaw is-47 sena ta’ sħubija tar-Renju Unit fl-Unjoni Ewropea hekk kif mat-tokki tal-11:00 ta’ bil-lejl tal-Ġimgħa, ħin Ingliż, seħħ dak li ħafna kienu xettiċi jekk qattx se jaraw.
Il-Prim Ministru Ingliż Boris Johnson laqqa’ l-Kabinett f’Sunderland imbagħad indirizza lin-nazzjon siegħa qabel ma’ uffiċjalment seħħ Brexit.
Huwa spjega kif jifhem is-sentimenti differenti tal-Ingliżi iżda stqarr li dan mhux it-tmiem iżda l-bidu ta’ era ġdida fl-istorja tar-Renju Unit.
Johnson stqarr: “ The most important thing to say tonight is that this is not an end but a beginning. This is the moment when the dawn breaks and the curtain goes up on a new act of our great national drama. It is partly about using these new powers, this recaptures sovereignty to deliver the changes people voted for.”
Il-mexxej tal-Partit ta’ Brexit u l-Membru Parlamentari Ewropew Nigel Farage ġie mwaqqaf fl-aħħar diskors tiegħu fil-Parlament Ewropew wara li hu u l-membri parlamentari l-oħra tal-partit tiegħu bdew ixejru il-bandiera tar-Renju Unit.
Kien hawnhekk li l-viċi president tal-parlament Mairead McGuinness tfiet il-mikrofonu ta’ Farage u qaltilhom biex jekk ħa jitilqu, jitilqu u jieħdu l-bnadar magħhom. Farage sostna: “No more financial contributions, no more european court of justice, no more common fisheries policy, no more being talked down to, no more being bullied, I mean what’s not to like? I know you are going to miss us, I know you want to ban our national flags, but we are going to wave you goodbye, and we look forward in the future to working with you as sovereign….
If you disobey the rules you get cut off, I’m really, please sit down resume your seats, put your flags away. You’re leaving and take them with you.”
Il-Big Ben baqa’ silenzjuż fil-ħin ta’ Brexit, iżda fi Brussell, fejn hemm l-istituzzjonijiet Ewropej tniżżlu l-bnadar tar-Renju Unit.
Sigħat wara Brexit, ONE News tkellem ma’ bosta turisti ingliżi f’pajjiżna. Spikkaw is-sentimenti differenti tagħhom dwar Brexit, hekk kif uħud jinsabu sodisfatti li pajjiżhom issa ħareġ mill-Unjoni Ewropea filwaqt li oħrajn huma xettiċi dwar dan il-pass. Dawk li li tkellimna magħhom qalulna:
- “Well we don’t feel very happy about it but that’s just our opinion but now thats been done nothing will change for a year I don’t think and then we’ll see cause there will be trade deals and what have you so at the moment nothing really will change.”
- “I just think it’s gonna take a while for things to settle down anyway. Gonna take at least a couple of years to see what’s gonna happen.”
- “I didn’t want to Brexit but there we are. We have to get on with it don’t we sadly? See, it’s the youngsters I’m worried about because you can’t have free movement, but anyway, that’s life.”
- “I’m not worried about it. They have been at it long enough, we just let them get on with it and see what happens.”
- “I think it is a brilliant opportunity for our country. Bit sad to be leaving Europe but I think we will still participate.”
- “We don’t know, we don’t have our opinion yet, we will see what’s gonna happen.”
Issa li wara żmien ta’ battibekki politiċi fir-Renju Unit sar dan il-pass, iż-żmien biss jista’ jagħti parir min kien fuq in-naħa t-tajba tal-istorja. Jekk hux dawk li qablu u mexxew il-quddiem Brexit jew dawk li kienu kontra sa mill-bidu nett.