Kien strumentali biex ir-Renju Unit daħal f’dik li dak iż-żmien kienu jsejħulha l-Komunità Ekonomika Ewropea tant li nnegozja biex ir-Renju Unit daħal fiha fil-bidu tas-sebgħinijiet.
Issa qed iħoss weġgħa kbira hekk kif ir-Renju Unit qed iqatta’ l-karti minn mal-Unjoni Ewropea.
Dan huwa Lord David Hannay li waqt li konna Londra aċċetta li nintervistawh u qalilna kif f’din is-sitwazzjoni qed jipprova jħalli barra l-emozzjonijiet personali tiegħu.
“Well clearly there’s a personal dimension to that but I don’t think it’s sensible to allow personal feelings on matters of such fundamental importance to Britain as a whole to be pre-dominant,” huwa qal.
Lord Hannay li anki serva bħala ambaxxatur u rappreżentant permanenti għall-Komunità Ekonomika Ewropea u għall-Ġnus Magħquda saħaq fuq kemm intqal gideb fil-kampanja biex ir-Renju Unit iħalli l-Unjoni Ewropea.
“There is no soft option for leaving the European Union. It’s really, really damaging and all the figure and produced now and all the predictions of how will this affect Britain in the future are negative. They are all negative. In those circumstances, I think we really need to take a deep breath and ask ourselves whether we are on the right course,” saħaq Lord Hannay.
Spjega kif din is-sitwazzjoni tista’ tiġi solvuta b’referendum ieħor fejn il-poplu Brittaniku jingħata ċ-ċans jerġa’ jaħsibha sew.
“One way of doing that is of course to have another referendum. I think that will be perfectly legitimate if parliament wills it to have, parliament has to pass a law to have a referendum as you know in this country. But if parliament did that then I think that will be one way of achieving closure of settling the matter,” huwa qal.
Mistoqsi dwar x’furur iqum kemm-il darba jsir referendum ieħor huwa fakkar li dak li sar f’Ġunju ta’ tliet snin ilu kien wieħed konsultattiv u issa jista’ jsir wieħed mandatorju li ċertament jaqta’ ras din il-kwistjoni li qed tifni lir-Renju Unit u lill-Unjoni Ewropea.
Huwa sostna li “I think on this occasion it would make more sense to make it mandatory if the parliament passes the law, which it has to, if there will be a referendum. Then I think, making it mandatory it help to answer the criticism that this is go on of cycle of referendums, will just go on and on.”