Il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat jinsab f’Nicosia f’Ċipru għall-ħames Summit tal-pajjiżi tan-nofsinhar tal-Unjoni Ewropea flimkien mal-President Ċiprijott Nicos Anastasiades.
Fi tweet, il-President Ċiprijott saħaq li jinsab ħerqan għal sessjoni produttiva ta’ konsultazzjoni u bdil ta’ ideat dwar l-aġenda attwali tal-Ewropa.
I welcome to the 5th #SouthEUSummit in Nicosia my friend Prime Minister @JosephMuscat_JM. I look forward to a productive session where we will have the opportunity to continue our consultations and exchange of views on the most pressing issues of our European agenda.
— Nicos Anastasiades (@AnastasiadesCY) January 29, 2019