Ma salvatx mill-kanċer tas-sider darba, imma darbtejn. Din hi l-istorja ta’ Betty Lee li llum qed tkun ta’ splla għall-pazjenti li jimirdu b’din il-marda. Hija tkellmet dwar l-istorja tagħha waqt attività li matulha tħabbru d-dettalji tar-raba’ edizzjoni tal-Pink Ribbon Motorcycle Ride.
Qalet li ommha mietet bil-kanċer tas-sider ta’ 36 sena u baqgħet konxja li hija wkoll setgħet tgħaddi mill-istess imrar.
“I had a strong family history of breast cancer. So I was very well aware that breast cancer would hit me in my life because my mother died at the age of 36 from breast cancer. I was very breast aware and everybody should be breast aware. It has changed my life for the better because it made, it has made me a better person”.
Betty intlaqtet bil-kanċer tas-sider tlettax-il sena ilu meta kellha ħamsin sena. Dak iż-żmien ftit li xejn kien hawn għarfien dwar it-test u s-suġġett kien għadu tabù:
“I had my breasts removed because of breast cancer. If I kept them I would be dead today. But its a positive thing now, we can have breast reconstruction in Malta. We didn’t have it in 2005 but we had it in 2010. So, it’s a very positive thing you know”.
Hija appellat lil dawk kollha li jirċievu l-istedina għat-test tas-sider biex jaħtfu din l-opportunità:
“You’re entitled to the government screening you’re entitled to go for the government screening. And I would say to everybody please go, a mammogram can save your life. You go to hairdresser, they won’t save your life but a mammogram can”.
Il-Pink Ribbon Motorcycle Ride se tittella’ l-Ħadd minn ħdejn il-Palazz ta’ San Anton.